What's On?
This page lists those events that are open to all members and in particular those arranged by the Theatre Team, Study Day Team, Events Team and the Monthly meetings arranged by the Speakers Team.
Wednesday 5 March - Monthly Meeting - 2 - 4pm
Angel Centre, Tonbridge (map)
A Beginning, A Middle and an End Where do novelists get their ideas from? - Bobby Darbyshire
Friday 8 March from 11am
Tonbridge Old Fire Station Easy Access Coffee Mornings
Sunday 16 March
Theatre Team visit to The Play That Goes Wrong Duchess Theatre, London
Application closing date: Monday 18 November 2024
Friday 21 March- 10.30am - 12 noon - Christchurch, Tonbridge
Coffee morning. Please bring cash.
Wednesday 2 April - Monthly Meeting - 2 - 4pm
Angel Centre, Tonbridge (map)
Sue Ryder - A life of Service - Joanna Bogle
Wednesday 9 April 7pm - 9.30pm
Friday 11 April from 11am
Tonbridge Old Fire Station Easy Access Coffee Mornings
Friday 25 April - 10.30am - 12 noon - Christchurch, Tonbridge (the third Friday is Good Friday)
Coffee morning. Please bring cash.
Wednesday 7 May - Salomon's, Southborough
Tu3a 25 Year Celebration Lunch
Wednesday 7 May - Monthly Meeting - 2 - 4pm
Angel Centre, Tonbridge (map)
Tom Crean - Unsung hero of Antartica - Michael Smith
Friday 9 May from 11am
Tonbridge Old Fire Station Easy Access Coffee Mornings
Friday 16 May - 10.30am - 12 noon - Christchurch, Tonbridge
Coffee morning. Please bring cash.
Friday 13 June from 11am
Tonbridge Old Fire Station Easy Access Coffee Mornings
Thursday 19 June - AI Study Day details to follow.
Friday 20 June - 10.30am - 12 noon - Christchurch, Tonbridge
Coffee morning. Please bring cash.
Wednesday 9 July 2pm - 4pm in the Medway Hall, Angel Centre
Cream Tea and Games
Friday 11 July from 11am
Tonbridge Old Fire Station Easy Access Coffee Mornings
Friday 18 July - 10.30am - 12 noon - Christchurch, Tonbridge
Coffee morning. Please bring cash.
Friday 15 August- 10.30am - 12 noon - Christchurch, Tonbridge
Coffee morning. Please bring cash.
Friday 12 September from 11am
Tonbridge Old Fire Station Easy Access Coffee Mornings
Friday 19 September - 10.30am - 12 noon - Christchurch, Tonbridge
Coffee morning. Please bring cash