Group News

Latest Group News

Information received from groups will be listed here, most recent information first.

Hello from Johanna 

The Spring flowers in our gardens and parks promise that the days are getting longer and warmer. Well done to all the groups who have kept going through this grey cold winter. We are all looking forward to planning outdoor trips. 

The Theatre for All Group has organised a trip to Chichester next July. The production they are going to see is called Top Hat. It is based on the 1935 musical that starred Ginger Rodgers and Fred Astaire. The Music by Irving Berlin. It is sure to be a great day out for all attending but a particular treat for our “Tappers” - see the Spotlight spread on the middle pages.

Getting a group going is very satisfying but not without its challenges. At first it seemed as if “Tappers” would be oversubscribed, however, now there may be opportunities to join this fun group. Not only fun but excellent exercise for mind and body. 

Would your group like its turn in the spotlight? If so, could you please send some brief details with a photo (with permission to use) to the A photograph is worth a thousand words! It takes time to compile and edit the journal, so entries should be sent before the 10th of a month in order to appear in the next edition. 

Thank you to all our Group Leaders! Please could I gently remind each of you to let us know ASAP by emailing of any changes that need to be added to the website. It would be great if you could please check your group’s entry on the website so that the new Handbook, currently being prepared, will be as accurate as possible. 

Please also note that in March’s journal (hand-delivery & posted editions) there was an error for the email contact for Pickleball (details are available in your Handbook.



 A huge thank you to all the volunteers who have stepped forward so far! We really appreciate your support. We’d also love to encourage some of our male members to join - your help would be invaluable! Currently we have one male member, but we are hoping to arrange trips of interest to all members - he will feel outnumbered with too many females otherwise! 

Please email: Sue Terry if you are interested in joining the team 

New groups

German Conversation group 3

more information to follow

Current groups

Play Reading 

Second Thursday of each month at 10.00 am. (Please note now at Ann’s house) 

10 April; 8 May; 12 June. 

Ann Blackmore

Reading Shakespeare

Every three months approximately. 10.00am

24 April & 1 May 

Joyce Graf

Poetry for Pleasure 

The purpose of the Group is simply to enjoy reading poetry, without serious analysis. We choose a theme in advance and do our best to find poems which are relevant to it, usually reading two or three each. 10.00am on the third Thursday each month. 

March - Cats; April - Rivers.

Anne Kelly

Poetry for Pleasure 2 

The purpose of this group is to read poetry that they enjoy on a theme chosen in advance of the monthly meeting, which is held on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 10:30 a.m. 

The theme for April is Flowers and Showers; May is Birds; June is Childhood; July is Happiness; There is no meeting in August, and the theme for September is People.

 Jennifer Hughes 

Discovering Churches

Monday 14 April at 11:00 Mereworth 

Beti Price 

Monday 12 May at 11:00 Lullingstone 

Lorraine Davison and Lesley Hardwick. 

Galleries, Exhibitions and Museums 

Friday 4 April to visit 2 Temple Place for their exhibition 

Margaret Pavlidis

For those wishing to join us, please contact – Liz Brett (details in your Journal)

Friday 2 May - Wallace Collection for Grayson Perry “Delusions of Grandeur” 

Please bring bus pass. Let Margaret know if you are coming. 

Friday 6 June 6 National Gallery Sienna 

Margaret Pavlidis  (details in your Journal)

Ambling Group 

On Tuesday 18 February, Wendy and Douglas Gardner led 9 members of the Tonbridge u3a Ambling Group on a walk from The Vauxhall Inn through fields and the beautiful grounds of Somerhill School in chilly but glorious sunshine. This walk had been cancelled 3 times because of unsuitable weather conditions so it was lovely to be able to get out and enjoy it at last!! The dog was also out for a walk with its owner and seemed rather keen to join us!! 

Thanks to Tony Atkins for the photos.

If you would like to join us, please email Miriam on