Group News
Latest Group News
Information received from groups will be listed here, most recent information first.
Hello from Johanna
I hope you have had a joyous season and the New Year finds you energised and determined to find even more ways to live, laugh and learn. We have an astonishing breadth of interests and activities available to us including academic study, creative pursuits and sports. All bring like minded people together and whilst sharing skills and interests also provide opportunities to make friends. All of this is made possible by people generously giving up their time.
A HUGE shout out to our wonderful group leaders who dared to put themselves forward for the roles. Thank you all so very much. One in particular I would like to mention is Nicky Rees who has led London Walking 8 for ten years. She is handing over to Malcolm Appleby. Good luck Malcolm.
This made me wonder if this is a record? Are there any group leaders who have been doing it longer? It would be fun to find out. Particularly as in year 2025 Tonbridge are celebrating our 25 years’ Anniversary. The u3a exists only because its members generously share their knowledge, experience and skills. As we boldly go into 2025 perhaps you might possibly consider - to misquote a long dead American President - Ask not what the u3a can offer you but what can you offer the u3a. Do you have an interest you can share? It has impressed me how open and helpful our members are to sharing their knowledge and experiences. If you have ever thought maybe - maybe this is your opportunity?
We are as vibrant as ever. New members joining and new activities on offer. The Christmas Event was a joyous occasion. The Choir was excellent and it was wonderful to join in with singing the carols of the season. Afterwards we had mince pies and there was a very jolly atmosphere and several members were discussing what is new: among others, German conversation 3, Family History and Tap Dancing. Tap dancing has many enthusiasts and it is hoped that a suitable venue will be found and get going early in the New Year. It is not too late to join in! I have also been asked to enquire if there would be an interest in Latin Studies. Several members have expressed interest in a Film Society - classic and international - is there anyone who would be interested in taking the lead? Please e-mail
I want to thank everyone for their help and patience whilst I have been learning on the job! It has been daunting at times but very rewarding. I wish you all a healthy and fun 2025.
Current groups
Play Reading
Second Thursday of each month at 10.00am.
13 February; 13 March; 10 April; 8 May; 12 June.
Joyce Graf
Reading Shakespeare
Every three months approximately. 10.00am
23 January and 30 January
Joyce Graf
Poetry for Pleasure
The purpose of the Group is simply to enjoy reading poetry, without serious analysis. We choose a theme in advance and do our best to find poems which are relevant to it, usually reading two or three each. 10.00am on the third Thursday each month.
January - Lighthouses; February - Time; March - Cats; April - Rivers.
Anne Kelly
Poetry for Pleasure 2
The purpose of this group is to read poetry which they enjoy on a theme chosen in advance of the monthly meeting which is held on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 10 30am.
January - Journeys; February - Love and Marriage; March - Spring.
Jennifer Hughes
Discovering Churches
Monday 9 February at 11.00am.
Janet Norman
Galleries, Exhibitions and Museums