Group Leader Information
Personal Information - a gentle reminder
Everyone who has access to the personal information of members of Tonbridge u3a has a responsibility to protect the confidentiality of that information. This applies to members of the Committee, Group Leaders, and anyone else who has access to the personal information of members on our membership database (Beacon) or any other source.
This means that without the express prior permission of that member, no personal information relating to a member should ever be given to anyone (including another Tu3a member). This applies to all information available on our Beacon system or provided to a Group Leader by a member.
The consequences of a breach of GDPR can be serious so please help us keep our members’ data safe.
Recently Added
A Health and Safety Policy Statement was approved by the Committee on 5 March 2024 it can be viewed on the Policy and Guidance Documents page.
Activating IT Accounts
Activating and using a Beacon Account - helpful guide as pdf
Activating a Google Workspace Account on a laptop - step by step guide as pdf or as a PowerPoint slide show
Activating a Google Workspace Account on an iPad - step by step guide as pdf or as a PowerPoint slide show
Possible Venues for group meetings
Details of all the venues currently used by our groups and some other venues that might be used are listed here.
Detailed report of Goldsmid Hall
Maintaining Accurate Group Details on Beacon
Whenever any aspect of a group changes it needs to be reflected on the website and in the handbook. If you make a change to the details of your group (when you meet for example) please email and if possible update the details on Beacon.
It is important that accurate records of which members belong to our groups are maintained on our membership system, Beacon. The benefits of this are many and include:
The ability for a committee member to contact group members if the group leader suddenly becomes unavailable.
It enables the web team to provide information to new and prospective members about which groups have vacancies.
It allows a group leader to easily email all the members of a group and ensures that such emails comply with the GDPR regulations.
It allows a group leader to easily record and manage a waiting list of members wishing to join the group.
It allows the committee to have an overview of the state of the groups.
Group leaders are encouraged to request a Beacon account (by emailing ). Once the account has been created they have the ability to maintain the description and membership of their group. In addition they will be able to easily email members of their group and other group leaders.
Alternatively group leaders can permit the update team to maintain details of their group on Beacon. They can supply the team with the current members in their group by completing a simple form (also available at the open day and the monthly meetings) or by emailing the team at . Changes to the membership of the group should be emailed to the team or passed in a note to a committee member.
Location of Automated External Defibrillators in Tonbridge
A victim of sudden cardiac arrest is three times more likely to survive if they receive early defibrillation and for every minute that passes chances of survival reduce by 7-10%. It is crucial that CPR and defibrillation are applied as soon as possible following a cardiac arrest.
Early use of a defibrillator unit or AED saves lives as it interrupts the abnormal twitching of the heart, often shocking the heart back into a normal rhythm. AED units are incredibly effective, and easy to use as they give voice prompts to tell the user what to do and when.
How to find the nearest AED to you or your group's venue
Go to and type in your post code or the postcode of your group's venue if that is different. The green icon is the nearest AED to your venue. The brown icons are other AEDs in your area. Some AEDs have a keypad for security. When 999 ambulance is called the operator will give you the keypad code. This document lists the AEDs known to us in Tonbridge. If any member is aware of other AEDs please let Ollie know at
IT Systems
Group Leaders are encouraged to request accounts on the Beacon and / or Workspace systems now deployed by emailing
These are the slides of a presentation on our IT facilities.
Risk Assessments
Group Leaders are reminded that risk assessments should be carried out before any activity is undertaken.
The latest risk assessment documents are available here.
Those organising walks might find the Ramblers risk assessment form useful.
Recording Contact Details
Any member who is the designated leader for any group outing, whether in town or country, should make sure that everyone on the outing has supplied a contact number to be used in the event of an incident.
A document detailing the reasons why next of kin information is required and how the information is managed is available here
In the event of an Accident / Incident
At the time of the accident / incident priority must be given to obtaining appropriate help as quickly as possible.
No one who is unwell or unable to continue should be left on their own.
If necessary the contact person for that member should be informed of the situation.
In the case of a serious accident / incident a member of the u3a committee should be contacted.
In all cases a Incident report form should be completed and sent to the secretary.
This form is available as a pdf document here or a word document. Many find the easiest thing to do is to print the pdf document, complete the sections in ink and then deliver the completed form to the secretary.
Alternatively the document is available in Word format so that it can be edited. You must first download the form from the google workspace.
If you use a Windows based computer start by clicking here. The template will be displayed in google docs format, it is then necessary to select File (from the tool bar at the top of the screen), then select Download and then select Microsoft Word (.docx). The form will be downloaded onto your local device. It can then be edited before being emailed to the secretary at or printed and delivered to her. A digital (typed) signature is acceptable.
If you use an iPad click here then save it or email it to yourself. If you have emailed it to yourself you will need to Download it and then open it in Word.