Monthly Meetings

Monthly Meetings and Open Days

We meet at 2pm on the first Wednesday of each month (except August and December) in the Angel Centre, Tonbridge (map). We invite interesting speakers and always follow the talk with the chance to chat over a tea or coffee.

Once a year this meeting is dedicated to an Open Day where there is the opportunity to talk to many group leaders. Details of these meetings are given on the Events page.

We have had positive reports from most of those that joined the January monthly meeting over zoom. We will be making the February meeting available over zoom. The meeting id is published in the February Journal. These meetings are for members only. Please don’t circulate these details outside the u3a.

If you would like to be sent an e-mail with the link to these meetings each month or have any questions about this new service, please e-mail me at The zoom service is being provided for those members that cannot join us in the Medway Hall for whatever reason. 

Do come to the meeting if you are able; you would then hear the speaker live and enjoy meeting other members after the talk over a tea or coffee. 

IT Coordinator David Bell


Meetings open to all members; First Wednesday of the month 2:00pm to 4.00pm 

at The Angel Centre, Tonbridge


A Beginning, A Middle and an End - Bobby Darbyshire 

Our Speaker will be Bobbie Darbyshire who has spoken to many u3a branches. She will be giving a light-hearted informative talk entitled “Where Do Novelists Get Their Ideas From?”. From initial spark to realisation on the page, she will explain how the complex world of character, location, plot and subplot arrives in a writer’s mind. Bobbie won the 2008 fiction prize at the National Academy of Writing and the New Delta Review Creative Non-fiction Prize 2010. Her latest novel is ‘The Posthumous Adventures of Harry Whittaker’ and her earlier ones are ‘OZ’, ‘Love, Revenge & Buttered Scones’ and ‘Truth Games’. She has worked as barmaid, mushroom picker, film extra, maths coach, cabinet minister’s private secretary, care assistant and volunteer adult-literacy teacher, as well as in social research and government policy. 


Sue Ryder - A life of Service - Joanna Bogle

Our speaker for April will be Joanna Bogle, who is an author, broadcaster and historian. Her books include a number of historical biographies. 

As Visiting Research Fellow at St Mary's University, Twickenham she produced a commemorative history marking its 125th anniversary. She leads regular history walks around London. 

Joanna’s presentation : Sue Ryder- Lady Ryder of Warsaw - was a remarkable woman whose legacy of care for the gravely ill, handicapped and housebound lives on. After service with SOE in World War II, she started to help on her own initiative, Polish refugees and concentration camp victims, and this led in due course to the establishment of care homes and other initiatives across Britain. Marriage to Leonard Cheshire VC brought a new range of work including projects in India and Australia. 2025 marked her centenary and Joanna Bogle's biography tells the stor 


Tom Crean - Unsung hero of Antartica - Michael Smith