Tappers u3a

Group: Tappers u3a

Meets: Wednesday 11am - 12noon

Venue: Central Tonbridge


Suitable for beginners and those with experience. Improves co-ordination, flexibility, mental and physical well-being, combats osteoporosis and low mood.  Fun and friendly group with on-line learning support between lessons.  Members must be reasonably fit and must agree to take responsibility for their own health issues, modifying movements according to their needs.  Small charge to cover room hire each term (approx £15 for five weeks, payable in advance).  First taster lesson free - please contact Tap Dance leader beforehand.  Email for more information:  tappers@tonbridgeu3a.uk 

I must speak to prospective participants before they join.

Next term dates:  26 Feb - 2 April - 6 weeks.  (Easter break).  23 April - 21 May (one week break).  4 June - 2 July (summer break).

 Resumes in September with possibly a few one-off master classes in July/August.

Contact: Email the group leader(s) at tappers@tonbridgeu3a.uk

The handbook contains full contact details.

                Alternatively email the Groups Coordinator at groups@tonbridgeu3a.uk 

               (please include your membership number in your email) 


Group Leader: Diane Gittings