Coastal Walks 2
Group: Coastal Walks 2
Meets: Second Friday, May - September
Venue: No Fixed Venue
The idea is to walk a stretch of the Kent/Sussex coastline 5 to 7 miles, hugging the coastline where possible.
Usually we drive to the starting point, park then walk having a refreshment stop en-route. At the end of the walk there is usually a choice of Pub/Cafe or of course you may wish to take a packed lunch, returning to our vehicles via public transport.
The intention is to car share where possible. Petrol expenses are calculated to U3A guidelines and shared between the passengers.
We traditionally walk on the second Friday of May/June/July/August and September.
Contact: Email the group leader(s) at
The handbook contains full contact details, alternatively email the Groups Coordinator at (please include your membership number in your email).
Group Leaders: Marion and Richard Clarke