Drawing and Painting for Fun

Group: Drawing and Painting for Fun

Meets: Fourth Thursday mornings 10.00am until 12.00 noon

Venue: Hall in Tudeley


A friendly group of self-motivated people, of ALL abilities.

New members are given every encouragement and some suggestions to help learning to draw if they wish. Each month we have a topic to inspire those looking for ideas, but those members who have projects underway come along and continue with them. There is no formal tuition.

We have an optional break mid session to exchange ideas or just have a coffee/tea and biscuits and a chat.

We pay for room hire and refreshments. (which works out at approx £2.00 per month) We do not supply any drawing and painting materials.

Contact: Email the group leader(s) at drawingandpaintingforfun@tonbridgeu3a.uk 

                The handbook contains full contact details, alternatively email the Groups Coordinator at

groups@tonbridgeu3a.uk  (please include your membership number in your email)

Group Leader:  Sue Hawthorn