Support for Members

Support available within Tonbridge u3a

Tonbridge u3a has recently adopted the National u3a Diversity and Inclusion policy. This policy has been drawn up to comply with the Equality Act 2010. It is listed on the Policy and Guidance Documents page.

If any member (or prospective member) wishes to find out if a group can accommodate their disability, they are encouraged to e-mail

The Easy Access Social Coffee Morning meets at The Old Fire Station, a monthly social gathering of Tonbridge U3A members at the Old Fire Station, in Castle Street, Tonbridge. 

Access is easy for disabled members, the atmosphere at the Old Fire Station is very friendly, and the coffee and cakes are delicious. An enjoyable get together ensues. 

Partially sighted?

In response to a request for partially sighted members to pass on any tips which have made it easier for them to use a Windows based computer the following information has been provided by a member.

“I am partially sighted and would like to help if I can. Myself, I often use a Windows 10 computer with a big screen. I use Microsoft Edge browser. If you click on the three dots menu sign in the top right-hand corner of the Google home screen, there is a drop-down menu. I use the Zoom facility to enlarge the print of the document I am trying to read. This also increases the contrast and the density of the image. I often like to hear a document read out loud and for this I scroll down this same menu to 'Read Aloud' which I like. You can choose the voice if wanted. Sometimes this setting clouds over the print except for the one line that the voice is reading, which highlights the print and makes it easier to see. A

useful feature is that the 'Read Aloud' setting scrolls the page down as it reads so you don't have to do it yourself. 'Read Aloud' will cope with pdf's which some screen readers will not.

I think that sometimes you can change the background of the print page to black with white print, which helps some people. There is also a Windows Magnifier in the accessibility settings, which I find more difficult to use than the Edge browser Zoom setting. Another trick that sometimes enlarges the print is to press Control and + keys together.

I also use an app called 'ReadEz virtual overlay' which puts a coloured filter over the page and cuts down the glare for me. I have wet macular degeneration in both eyes, and cataracts. I am very light sensitive and don't like glare”.