About Membership and How to Join
Who Can Join?
Like all u3as, our membership is open to anyone who is no longer working full time and wants to have fun. It gives you the opportunity to pursue existing interests, find new ones and of course, the chance to socialise and make new friends.
Good Value
All this for an annual fee of only £15.00 for individuals or £25 for joint membership (two people at the same address). Associate membership is available to those who are members of another u3a at £7 for individuals or £12 for joint membership. Our membership year runs from 1 September to 31 August. You can join at any time, we offer a half yearly joining fee of £7.50 or £12.50 for members joining between 1 March and 31 July. Members applying in August will be treated as joining 1 September of that year.
What Else?
We offer the following to our members:-
Over 80 study and leisure groups to join or even start a new one yourself.
A monthly meeting with guest speaker.
Leisure and educational visits.
National benefits from the Third Age Trust including magazines, courses, events.
Monthly Journal.
Members Handbook with full details of our activities and contact information for each group leader.
Outings, coffee mornings, Christmas lunch and more.
How Can I Find Out More?
Contact Miriam, our Membership Secretary on 01732 652012 or at
Alternatively come along to our next coffee morning in the foyer of Christ Church URC in Tonbridge on the third Friday of the month between 10:30 and noon.
The u3a values its members as individuals and encourages all members to recognise their unique and different perspectives, abilities and contributions, and it sees diversity and inclusion as routes to growth and enrichment.
If you would like to know more about how accessible our activities are, please email or contact any member of the committee.
Tonbridge u3a grants a carer free access to any activity when they are acting as a carer for a member. Professional carers must provide their own insurance. Family/friends carers are covered by U3A insurance.
How To Join
Print the joining pack (open the pack by clicking the underlined words) fill it in and send it to Miriam at the address given in the pack.
Provided the joining fee has been paid via bank transfer, those with the facilities to do so may scan in their signed and dated forms and send them as an attachment via email to Please note that applications must be made using the forms in the joining pack.
The pack has blank pages included to ensure that each of the forms are printed on a separate page.
You are on your way to many new and happy experiences. We look forward to meeting you!
Are you able to help the u3a?
Could you help with some of the tasks that are essential if we are to continue offering all that members have come to expect. This is an excellent way to meet new people and although busy at the time, are usually enjoyable.
Details of the ways members can help are given on this page.
More hands reduce the load and some posts must be filled.