National Events
Nationally run events and more
There are many different online learning events and other activities, run by the national u3a movement, that are available to you as a member of Tonbridge u3a. Further details of what is available currently can be found on the national u3a website - https://
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Free Online Event
Wednesday, 26 February 2025 2 - 3pm
Penguins: Icons of Antarctica
Join Dr Verena Meraldi, Chief Scientist and uncover a wealth of fascinating information about penguins, the iconic inhabitants of Antarctica
To celebrate and launch the u3a’s new exclusive partnership with HX Hurtigruten Expeditions we have invited Dr Verena Meraldi, Chief Scientist to talk to u3a members and uncover a wealth of fascinating information about penguins, the iconic inhabitants of Antarctica.
Please join us to learn about penguins, a unique family of flightless seabirds, and discover how they have evolved to thrive in the harsh conditions of the Southern Ocean. Explore their fascinating adaptations that enable them to survive in the cold and icy waters.
You will explore the intricate breeding cycles of penguins and discover how they navigate the challenges of the wild balancing the need to find prey while avoiding predators. Learn about the effects of climate change on these remarkable seabirds and how scientists study them through the Penguin Watch programme. Additionally, find out how you can support penguin research through the Citizen Science project.
Click here to book tickets
This event is for u3a members only. Not a member? Find out more and join here
For further details including how to book your place on the above events, please go to the national u3a website -
Summer Programme
26 February - 25 April
Rather than a traditional summer school, the London Region will build on the success of last year’s Summer Programme with more guided walks and visits during the warmer months. These are listed on their events page, linked below.