Classical Guitar Practice Group

Group: Classical Guitar Practice Group

Meets: Alternate Thursdays at 3.00pm

Venue: Private House Tonbridge


A group for classical guitarists to come together to study, play, reflect, listen to one another's playing, support one another in our practice, make connections and enjoy the fellowship of other musicians committed to this often solitary pursuit. 

It is useful if you read music at least sufficiently to enable you to ‘decode’ a piece

at your leisure and consolidate it enough to present it to the group or join in with

an ensemble.

We do particularly enjoy ensemble playing, and have a fair repertoire of duet and

trio pieces from which to try your hand.

Bring your guitar and the music you are working with, and maybe a music stand and a footstool if you use them. (I have only one of each!). 

Contact:  Email the group leader(s) at   


Group Leader:  Denis Buckley