Archive Film of Tonbridge
Group: Archive Film of Tonbridge (previously Memories of Tonbridge on Film)
Meets: Third Wednesday of each month at 2pm
Venue: Locally
We have meetings during the winter months from September through to May. We have access to a large collection of films of local interest and events all made by local enthusiasts. Members of the group are invited to contribute any knowledge they have e.g. they may have participated in the arrangements of the event or simply appear in the films. At each meeting we show a number of films mainly of local events in the Tonbridge area, but we do include other local areas of Kent e.g. Tunbridge Wells, Southborough and villages around. There are also some shows of stage performances, often filmed at venues such as the Oast Theatre Tonbridge, The Solomons Centre, Southborough and local village activities. We have a break for tea, coffee etc., in order to discuss the films and consider items for future meetings to take into account members particular interests.
Contact: Email the group leader(s) at .
Group Leader: Derek Hopcraft