Science Then and Now

Group: Science Then and Now

Meets: Third Thursday of the month 2.30pm


Venue: Winter: Meetings held via Zoom

                Summer: Meetings held in Hadlow


The Group is for people interested in any aspect of science including how discoveries affect our culture and society. The aim is to give you a real taste of how science evolves when humans try to explain the world. Recently we have looked at diet and exercise, the immune system, evolution, how to build molecules that smell, climate change, black holes, and quantum mechanics but all science questions are welcome. If you are curious, come and join us. In the winter months talks are held on Zoom on the third Thursday at 2.30pm. In the summer we meet in a café in Hadlow and members buy their own refreshments. There is no annual charge but if we meet at the group leader’s house for a social event, members do make a small contribution toward refreshments. If you are interested in joining this group, please e-mail  

Contact: Email the group leader(s) at  

 Full contact details are in the handbook, alternatively email the Groups Coordinator at  (please include your membership number in your email).

Group Leader:  Vanessa Bird