Tu3a Singers

Group: Tu3a Singers

Meets: Second and fourth Friday 10:30am - 12 noon

Venue: Central Tonbridge

Members of the Choir rehearsing a new piece of music


No previous experience of singing is necessary; the emphasis is on enjoyment and learning some singing techniques along the way. 

We sing a wide variety of popular music. 

A small charge is made each term for expenses. 

We’re changing our name

The u3a Choir have decided that it’s time to change our name to Tu3a Singers. This is because we feel the title choir may be putting some people off from joining us as it sounds too formal and highbrow. Let us reassure you we are nothing of the sort! We sing for fun and enjoyment and, yes, we do learn parts and sing in harmony but our leader Maggie is very gentle and encouraging in helping us and the group is very friendly and supportive to each other. No previous experience of singing is necessary and you don’t need to be able to read music.

Do come along and give it a try. Prospective members are always welcome to have a free taster session and then it’s up to you to decide whether it’s what you would like to be a part of. Each term we learn some new pieces of music, both modern and not so modern. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Friday each month from 10.30am-12pm in St Peter and St Paul Church, just off Tonbridge High Street. We charge a small fee each term to cover expenses. 

Contact: Email the group leader(s) at tu3asingers@tonbridgeu3a.uk 


Group Leaders:  Jill Goldsworthy & Ann Hines

Tonbridge U3A Choir/Singers 

Dear Tu3a members

I trust you enjoyed at our performance at the AGM. We sang five songs: Why We Sing, What a Wonderful World, Yesterday, Blowin' in the Wind, Can't Help Falling in Love and That Dixieland Sound. They were chosen mainly for their harmony and melodic content. Judging by the audience response and comments that were passed to us, our performance was well received. The whole group had been preparing for the event for several months. Singing is always an invigorating pastime. 

While not a necessity, aiming for a performance adds a great sense of purpose and makes it even more enjoyable.

Entry to our choir does not require any singing experience or ability to read music. Also, we do not have auditions (my only background was singing in the bath!). Do talk to us if you think you might like give it a try - just once or for a couple of sessions. Tu3a members are also welcome to just call in and listen to us practicing at St Peter and Paul’s Church Tonbridge (further details in your Handbook).

Andrew Brooks